Animal Boarding

Country Oaks Animal Hospital offers a large boarding facility that accommodates dogs, cats, rabbits, and various other pets.
Each species is placed in different areas to maximize their comfort and feeling of well-being. Young puppies are also typically housed separate from the adult dogs, so they are not distressed by the adults barking. Sometimes getting everyone in the perfect spot requires a bit of juggling!

Pet Kennel Notes

There are many size accommodations for the animals.
Dogs may share runs unless they are just too large for that to be comfortable. In that case, we have several Family Suites that are nearly three times the size of a normal run and can easily accommodate giant breed dogs or families of dogs.
Our goal is to provide a comfortable home away from home. You may bring personal beds, blankets, towels, toys and comfort items for your pets. We do ask that they be labeled with your name (or the pet’s name) as we do an awful lot of laundry!
If the item becomes soiled right before you pick up, we may not be able to clean it before they go home.
Unless otherwise instructed, Family dogs are taken out to exercise and play together
This allows them time to socialize and play while you are away.
The grass exercise yard is very large and securely fenced with solid six-foot-tall PVC fence. The dogs seem to love the newly expanded play yard and have plenty of room to stretch their legs.
They are supervised at all times in the yard, but are not leashed so they may run and play to their heart’s content. Please let us know if they especially like to play Frisbee or chase balls.
Please bring your pet's usual food to avoid disruption in their diet. This can reduce the risk of tummy upset and loose stools.
Just bag up their meals ahead of time (label please) with a few extra in case of unexpected delays in pickup
Please advise us if your pet has a dietary sensitivities so we do not accidentally give any treats that might aggravate their allergies.
Kennel Tours Available
We offer kennel tours any time during our regular business hours, so please just ask at the front desk.
We do require that all immunizations be current and the pets must be free of internal and external parasites to stay here, for everyone’s protection & safety.
Just for Cats
The cat section has over-sized cages for bigger kitties or for two cats to stay together during their visit.
We also have cat condos that can be added to the larger spaces to give them a hiding spot, a separate area for their litter box and a shelf to sit on above it all. The cats really seem to like this setup.
Other Small Mammals
The rabbits, ferrets, birds and guinea pigs (and other small mammals) generally come in their own cages as this seems to help them feel more comfortable while they are away from home.
Please bring your usual bedding material and special food items.
The small pets are often a bit sensitive to change and we like to keep everything as much like home as possible. Fresh veggies or greens daily really brighten a rabbit’s day!

Pamper Your Pets

Pampered Pets Packages for Cats
Pampering options include over-sized accommodations with a cat condo, daily brushing & TLC, daily playtime and various combinations of pampering services in packages.
Pampered Pets Packages for Dogs
Pampering options for the dogs include a nightly dessert of Yoghund (frozen yogurt made for dogs), a dessert & brushing package, extra exercise & playtime with pond walks or extra playtime and combinations of these services.
Yoghund frozen yogurt is not only a nice treat for the dogs; the healthy active bacteria in the yogurt help improve digestion and reduce the risk of loose stools that can occur when pets are away from home.